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Petrainer PET850

Petrainer PET850 is antibarking collar for small and also big dogs with intensity settings. There is 7 different levels of electric pulse or just vibrations. It is perfect device suitable for all kinds of dogs from 10 to 90 kg. Collar is activated by the vocal chords vibration.

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Product code: P3
Warranty: 24 months

Product description

Warning: Our company is the only authorized distributor of Petrainer in the Czech and Slovak Republics. We strongly advise you against buying a suspiciously cheap Petrainer brand products from other sellers! In most cases these copies or products which are not intended for CZ and SK market - ie. are illegal. Only with us and our network of dealers we guarantee 100% authenticity, 2 year warranty and CZ / SK instructions.



Product description

Petrainer PET850 is pimped anti-barking collar for small and large dogs. This is an excellent device that is fully waterproof, rechargeable and suitable for all dogs weighing 10 to 90 kg. PET850 prevent barking by vibration or shock corrections, which are controlled by a microprocessor, the distinguished dog barking from the surrounding sounds. Collar is activated only when the vibrations of the vocal cords barking of a dog, it is therefore not affected by the barking of other dogs and is thus suitable for households with multiple dogs. This collar has no warning, so it is suitable for situations where you want to make the correction came immediately after the first bark. If the dog barks, immediately correction comes in the form of vibration or impulse. If the bark on, power and pulse duration increases. Schema contains 7 degrees correction. If the dog stops barking for 30 seconds, repeated from the beginning. For the safety of a dog collar is adjusted so that after the seventh degree of barking minute to react. PET850 has adjustable sensitivity dog barking in 7 levels - simply adjust it so to respond to the barking of your dog. U collar PET850, you can adjust the strength of the electrostatic pulses in 7 levels, or just use a gentler vibrations.




Barking detection
Petrainer PET850 uses vibration of vocal chords of the dog. Barking or howling is detected by the small instaled microprocessor inside of the collar. If the dog starts to bark or howl collar detects it by the vibration of vocal chords. Thanks to the vocal chords detection collar is suitable for home use with more dogs.


Correction Type

Petrainer PET850 has vibrations and electric pulse as a correction which you can adjust to 7different levels. It is easy to set the collar specifically for the needs of your dog. 


Collar settings

Impulse level can be set in 7 different levels. It automaticaly raises pulse lenght. First bark activates short pulse and if the dog keeps barking pulse lenght is rising. You can adjust senstivity of this collar.


Battery and charging

Obojek Petrainer PET850 uses Li-lon battery of 220mAh. Battery life is around 5 to 14 days. It depends on the usage of the collar.


Petrainer PET850 is delivered with fully waterproof receiver and transmitter. It is ideal choice for the dog training in the water or extreme conditions (forest, mud).




Petrainer PET850 has very small and light receiver so it is ideal for smaller breed. This collar is recommended for every dog between 10 to 90kg. With the smallest breeds strongest pulses can be too strong.


Collar lenght

Petrainer PET850 has very strong and quality collar made from nylon. Dogs have no problems with wearing this collar and it hold very well on their neck. The lenght of the collar is adjustable from 20 to 65cm.



Petrainer PET850 has very light and small and ergonomically shaped collar which width is 5,6cm. height 4,1cm and depth 2,7cm. Its weight is 52 grams.


The product is included in categories

Collars Anti-barking collars Anti-barking collars By the breed For small dogs For mid-size dogs For big dogs By the correction type Electronic Vibration By waterproof Water-resistant By the brand Petrainer

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Barking detection by the vibrations of the vocal
Detection vibration
Adjustable sensitivy yes
Size Large dogs, Mid-size dogs

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Anti-bark collars

How does the collar help you?

  • Reduces unwanted barking, howling and whining of dogs in the apartment or garden in your absence
  • Eliminate inappropriate dog behaviour - barking at people, cars, bikes, animals and various objects
  • Eliminating the barking or howling of your neighbour's dogs
  • Help your dog understand the inappropriateness of barking and calm down with other activities
  • You don't have to give up your pet dog or shut it down unnecessarily because of disturbing barking.
  • Eliminates the cause of neighborly arguments over dog barking
  • Unlearn dog barking with respect to its size and age.

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